Mission + History
We aim to share scientific findings through a comprehensive publication process entailing:



Impact Journals will continue to bring you Aging, Oncoscience, Genes & Cancer and Oncotarget. We host a team of experts in scholarly publishing and provide unrivaled services, resulting in the success of our journals.

Aging, launched in 2009, publishes papers of general interest and biological significance in all fields of aging research, including topics beyond traditional gerontology.
launched in 2010, a primarily oncology-focused, peer-reviewed, open access journal. As of January 1, 2022, Oncotarget has shifted to a continuous publishing model. Papers will now be published continuously within yearly volumes in their final and complete form.
Its scope is unique. The term "oncotarget" encompasses all molecules, pathways, cellular functions, cell types and even tissues that can be viewed as targets relevant to cancer and other diseases as well.
The term was introduced in the inaugural Editorial Introducing OncoTarget, https://doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.101.

Oncoscience, launched in 2014, covers the rapidly growing field of cancer research, especially emergent topics not currently covered by other journals. Oncoscience also has a special mission: Freeing researchers in oncology from publication costs. It is free for the readers and the authors.
Genes & Cancer, formerly a SAGE publication, was acquired in 2014 and covers all aspects of the structure and function of oncogenes, growth suppressor and apoptotic genes, including their roles in signal transduction and the mechanisms by which their expression and function are altered during tumor development.